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Sat Feb 8th, 2025 @ 11:51am

Lieutenant JG Maran

Name Maran

Position U.S.S. Saratoga Chief Flight Control/Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 68 kg


Family Rex McCormick (Adoptive father)

Personality & Traits

Personality Overview Maran is a tall slender Cardassian with a long thin neck and extended cranial ridges. He has long jet black hair tided back tidely into a ponytail and sports a stumble beard.

Maran is a quiet and reserved young man to being with but once he gets to know you he opens up to be quite a caring and loyal friend. He knows the rules and likes to stick to them. He likes to be called a conformist rather than a jobs worth.

Personal History Maran was born on Cardassia Prime in 2373. His early life is presumed to be well lived, he was well nourished and educated to a level slightly above his age.

However, he doesn't remember much about his early life on Cardassia Prime. Just what happened after the Jem'Hadar purge of his homeworld.

He was amongst the rubble of what was his home in 2375 by a Starfleet officer by the name of Rex McCormick. Maran took an instant liking to his saviour and didn't want to leave his side.

Rex resisted this behaviour to begin with but soon saw himself in Maran after losing his entire family when the Borg wiped the Jouret IV colony off the face of the planet.

Although Rex wasn't as young as Maran, he knew what it was like to lose everyone close to you. So, the Starfleet officer would check in on Maran daily at the Cardassian Family Support Centre.

Once it became clear that the boy would end up living in a orphanage, Rex applied for permission to adopt the boy. He felt life with him would be much better than being moved around the Cardassian orphanage system.

There was initial resistance to non Cardassian's taking Cardassian children away from Cardassia as the population had dropped massively. Once it became clear that there was simply too many children that needed homes versus Cardassian families that could take them on, the Cardassian Civilian Government allowed this to happen and Maran was able to be adopted by Rex.

Maran spent the rest of his childhood following his adoptive father from post to post. At first, he was met with the usual spite from both adults and children who had lost loved ones during the war but as time past and people healed and saw that Maran wasn't a threat he adjusted into his new life as a Starfleet officers child.

As Maran grew, it became clear that he wanted to follow in his adoptive father's foot steps and join Starfleet. Although the Cardassian Union were now allies with Starfleet, he didn't want to go back to Cardassia and join their military. He wanted to help others and explore.

So, he worked hard and with the help of Rex and others aboard their current posting, he took the Starfleet entrance exam at the age of 17, a full year early than most.

It was a grooling set of tests and evaluations which took over 3 days to complete. However, after 6 weeks, he recieved news that he'd passed and had gained a place at Starfleet Academy.

To his surprise, he'd also been put forward for the command track at the academy which meant, more lessons, harder work and longer hours. He was proud of his accomplisments and so was his father Rex.

Maran spent the next four years at the academy and eventually passed out in the top 1%, specialising in flight control, combat flight and Security & Tactical operations.

Upon graduating the academy, Maran was given the unique opportunity to become test pilot at Daystrom Institute, testing new types of shuttle designs and engine designs. Dangerous work for the young Cardassian but a job he thrived on.

After eight years at Daystrom, Maran decided he needed a change of pace. He joined Starfleet to explore like his father so this was now the time. He put in for a transfer and was accepted on to the USS Saratoga based in the Maelstrom.
Service Record 2390 - 2393 - Starfleet Academy - Cadet
2393 - 2401 - Daystrom Institute - Ensign
2401 - Present - USS Saratoga - Lieutenant JG