Maelstrom Star Systems
Created by Commodore Dazad Targaryen on Tue May 31st, 2022 @ 2:48am
Cardassian Union Star Systems
Alioth Star System |
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The Alioth system is a star system of at eight planets located within the Maelstrom Sector of the Alpha Quadrant. Located along the Cardassian Border, the sixth planet, Alioth VI, was the crash site of a Kessok Solarformer in 2378. Eager to harness the advanced technologies of the Kessok, the Cardassians set up patrols and satellites around the system to find the device only to be thwarted by the Starship Sovereign. To secure the technology, the Cardassians fleet under Legate Matan intervened to capture the site and arranged for Litvok Nor to be positioned in orbit of the crash site. The Alpha Quadrant Alliance would quickly launch an offensive to salvage the Kessok device. Following the Kessok Incident, the system was returned to Cardassian control. |
Ascella Star System |
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Located 89 light-years from Earth, the Ascella Star System (also known as Zeta Sagittarii) is a Cardassian star system consisting of five planets including Mimit. In the 23rd Century Mimit was home to a Kzinti Colony and munitions depot that was investigated and dismantled by the Starship Enterprise. Later, the Cardassians would utilize Mimit to construct the Ascella Supply Depot, a resupply port and starship maintenance facility that was utilized by the Cardassians during the Kessok Incident of 2378. The Supply Depot was destroyed by the combined efforts of the Starships Sovereign and Geronimo, aiding in the Federation's defense of the Maelstrom Sector. |
Chambana Star System |
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Following the Dominion War, Legate Matan retreated to the Maelstrom in order to gather resources to aid in his efforts to restore military control of the Cardassian Union from the newly appointed democratic government. During his exploration of the region, Legate Matan annexed the Chambana Star System, which consisted of two worlds, to serve as home to his forces. Constructing orbiting drydocks, these shipyards were responsible for producing fresh ships for Legate Matan's forces and reverse engineered Kessok technology for installation on vessels affiliated with Legate Matan's True Way. The shipyards were destroyed by the USS Sovereign and USS Enterprise during the Kessok Incident of 2378 and the colony abandoned. |
Gebel Star System |
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Consisting of four planets within Cardassian territory, the Gebel Star System was a key strategic system for the Cardassian Union and gateway to multiple Cardassian worlds within the Maelstrom Sector. An uninhabited system, Gebel features large sensor platforms that are utilized to monitor nearby space and prepare for potential invasion by outside forces. The Battle of Gebel, a major engagement of the Kessok Incident, took place in the Gebel System in 2378. During the confrontation Starfleet forces were overwhelmed by the Cardassians, leading to the loss of several capital vessels during the confrontation. Later, Starfleet would capture the system and destroy the sensor monitoring equipment to support their operations against the True Way. Following the Kessok Incident the Gebel System was returned to Cardassian authorities. |
Prendel Star System |
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Located within the Cardassian frontier, the uninhabited Prendel System is a key strategic system for the Cardassian Union and consists of five planets. Located in orbit of the third planet, Vlulyr Tuok was the primary intelligence center for Cardassian operations within the Maelstrom and was affiliated with the Obsidian Order. During investigations conducted as a result of the Kessok Incident the station was abandoned, but not destroyed and counter insurgency programs not implemented due to Starfleet forces nearing the system. Lieutenant Commander Data, on loan to the Sovereign, was able to infiltrate the station and recover key details about Cardassian operations within the Maelstrom. The station would be severely damaged in the investigation and fully abandoned. Following the Kessok Incident Cardassian forces recovered the outpost. |
Riha Star System |
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Located near Kessok territory, Riha is a star system consisting of a single world within Cardassian territory. Uninhabited, the Riha system was the site of several engagements during the Kessok Incident as Khitomer Alliance forces investigated the actions of the True Way. After a brief engagement with Cardassian freighters, Starfleet was able to uncover and investigate Kessok technology being utilized by the Cardassians while at Riha. While many Maelstrom worlds near Kessok territory were annexed by the nascent government, Riha remained in the custody of the Cardassians. |
Savoy Star System |
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Initially a Federation held system, the Savoy Star System was captured by the Cardassians during the Kessok Incident of 2378. Holding three planets, capturing Savoy was a major boost to the Cardassians during the Kessok Incident due to the importance of the system and Savoy Station to Federation operations within the Maelstrom. The Federation was able to recover the system through the work of the Khitomer Alliance; however, following the First Contact Day Massacre, the Federation scaled back operations within the Maelstrom and Savoy was abandoned. The Cardassians would annex the system once more soon after. |
Tezle Star System |
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One of the first star systems annexed by the Cardassian Union within the Maelstrom, the Tezle Star System is a smaller system consisting of two planets deep within Cardassian territory. While the Chambana System featured the shipbuilding centers for the forces of Legate Matan, Tezle was the brains behind the operation and featured a large command and control base located on Tezle I. During the Kessok Incident this command and control outpost led Starfleet to launch a massive offensive to capture the base. Despite heavy losses, the Khitomer Alliance forces were able to recover the planet and return it to the legitimate Cardassian government. |
Independent Star Systems
Artrus Star System |
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The Artrus Star System in an unaligned, uninhabited star system consisting of three worlds within the Maelstrom Sector. Close to Cardassian territory, Artrus was annexed by True Way forces under Legate Matan early in the days of the Kessok Incident of 2378. Extensive sensor platforms were placed within the system to monitor fleet actions made by the Khitomer Alliance against the Cardassian forces. When Starfleet went on the offensive, a combined Khitomer Alliance fleet proceeded to Artrus and destroyed the sensor equipment placed by Cardassian forces and returned to an independent posture. |
Beol Star System |
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Located in unaligned space, the Beol System is an uninhabited star system consisting of four planets and multiple moons. The Beol System was the site of several engagements during the Kessok Incident as it was a frequent system visited by Cardassian transports delivering supplies to Legate Matan's forces within the region. While not aligned with the Romulan Free State, the system lies close to their territory and is frequently visited by Romulan vessels. |
Biranu Star System |
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Located close to Federation territory, the Biranu Star System is a system of two planets that are currently not aligned with any major government operating within the Maelstrom. The second planet of the Biranu System, known as Osa, is inhabited by an independent colony and has a commercial starbase in orbit known as Biranu Station, which has been used for many diplomatic and scientific conferences attended by members of the Khitomer Alliance and the Cardassian Union in the past. Biranu was a target during the Kessok Incident of 2378, but has maintained a peaceful stance ever since and has rejected offers of membership within the Federation to maintain its position as a neutral hub. |
Cebalrai Star System |
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Located in the constellation of Ophiuchus and 82 light-years from Earth, the Cebalrai Star System (also known as Beta Ophiuchi) is a star system of three planets. Despite the dangers posed by the Maelstrom Sector, the planet Errigal in the system was colonized by Andorian and Human dissidents. Initially a Federation Colony, the planet was transferred to the Cardassian Union as part of the Federation/Cardassian Treaty of 2370. While the Cardassians left the colony to its own devices, the Dominion would later occupy the system to establish a supply depot. Legate Matan, following the war, would gift the system to the Kessok. During the Kessok Incident of 2378 it was discovered that the Kessok intended to utilizing their Solar Former Technology to colonize the system, not realizing the system's origin as part of the United Federation of Planets. While few of the original colonists still lived, the remaining refugees chose to remain independent rather than return to the Federation's control and named the settlement the Third Submission Colony. |
Poseidon Star System |
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Comprising two worlds, the Poseidon Star System is an unaligned, uninhabited system along the southern border of the Maelstrom Sector. Initially annexed by the forces of Legate Matan during the Kessok Incident of 2378, the Poseidon System was liberated by the Khitomer Alliance during the conflict. The system has remained independent ever since, but the Cardassians keep a watchful eye on the region due to its proximity to their primary territories. |
Serris Star System |
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Located in nonaligned space within the Maelstrom Sector, the Serris Star System is a well known site for commerce and trade within the region. Outside the control of the major governments of the region, Serris is frequently visited by Ferengi vessels looking to sell their products and materials - both the legal and illegal kind. While the Federation was able to maintain a strong stance against illicit activity, their departure after the First Contact Day Massacre led to significant breakdowns in law and order within the Maelstrom with Serris being a frequent den of scum and villany. |
Vesuvi Star System |
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Located at the edge of the volatile Maelstrom Sector, the Vesuvi Star System was terraformed in the mid2370s to begin mining operations for its vast mineral resources after the Dominion War. By 2378, the Federation had established multiple colonies and installatons within the Vesuvi System; however, a Kessok Solarformer was used to destroy the star and its innermost planets, igniting to the Kessok Incident of 2378. The Federation was able to stabilize the two remaining worlds, Haven and Geki, but the First Contact Day Massacre led to significant reductions in Federation resources being provided to the Maelstrom. While an evacuation was ordered, the remaining colonists chose to instead stay at their new worlds and rescind their Federation Membership. |
Xi Entrades Star System |
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One of the largest star systems within the Maelstrom Sector, the Xi Entrades System contains five uninhabited planets. Like the Serris System, Xi Entrades is a frequent site for commercial activities of both a legal and illegal nature and was the site of one of the earliest skirmished during the Kessok Incident of 2378 as Romulan forces attempted to impound Cardassian shipping. Due to its proximity to Cardassian territory the system is closely monitored by the Cardassians, but the Romulans have been known to also operate within the system as well as the Klingons. |
Yiles Star System |
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Located deep within the Maelstrom Sector, the Yiles Star System is an unincorporated, uninhabited star system of four planets. |
Kessok Star Systems
Belaruz Star System |
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Located on the outskirts of Kessok Territory, the Belaruz Star System was a recently colonized planetary system of four planets. Initially believed to be uninhabited, the Belaruz System was routinely used for war games between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire prior to the Kessok Incident of 2378. During the Incident it was discovered that multiple Klingon vessels had been destroyed due to their accidental trespass into Kessok territory during that period. Later, Belaruz would be home to the first peaceful contact between the Federation and the Kessok when Commander Neb-Lus, a respectable leader with the reputation of a free thinker, made contact with the Sovereign while guarding the Belaruz System. Following the Incident the Kessok would colonize the system. |
Omega Draconis Star System |
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Roughly 76 light-years from Earth, the Omega Draconis Star System was located in Kessok Space. Five planets were home to the Omega Draconis Star System and its third planet, Omega Draconis III, was home to a Kessok colony world with the star's output controlled by a Kessok Solarformer. Despite their alliance during the Kessok Incident of 2378, the Cardassian True Way - led by Legate Matan - intended to cause a disaster at Omega Draconis by destroying the star system through manipulation of the Solarformer to implicate the Federation. The Khitomer Alliance, led by the Sovereign and aided by the Kessok Starship Neb-lig, led a battle group to Omega Draconis to engage the Cardassian forces and protect the Kessok Colony. After the conflict the Federation would frequently visit Omega Draconis; however, following the First Contact Day Massacre, the relationship between the two governments became strained. |
Klingon Empire Star Systems
Voltair Star System |
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Annexed to the Klingon Empire as part of the Treaty of Bajor, the Voltair Star System is a planetary system of two worlds located within the Maelstrom Sector. Assigned to the House of K'mpec, the Klingon Empire viewed Voltair as little more than a nuisance star system and a slight against them compared to the resource laden worlds awarded to other Khitomer Alliance powers. This slight was further compounded when additional worlds were ceded to the Romulan Star Empire as part of the Romulan Relocation Effort, leading to an official protest to the United Federation of Planets by the Klingon Empire. With the Federation withdrawal from the Maelstrom in 2385, Voltair became the pseudocaptial world of the Maelstrom Sector for the entire Khitomer Alliance, but this did not lessen the concerns of the Klingons. |
Romulan Free State Star Systems
Albreia Star System |
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Comprising three planets in the Maelstrom Sector, the Albreia Star System was colonized as part of the Romulan Relocation Effort in the 2380s. First explored by the Starship Hawking prior to the Dominion War, the Albreia System was selected to host Lya Station - a diplomatic and scientific research center independent of any government. During the war the system was occupied by Dominion Forces, but was liberated by the Khitomer Alliance. At the conclusion of the War the Albreia System was awarded to the Romulan Star Empire as part of the Cardassian reparation package; nonetheless, Lya Station was permitted to remain independent. |
Itari Star System |
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Comprising eight planets within the Maelstrom Sector, the Itari Star System has had a long relationship with the Romulan Star Empire and their secret police, the Tal'Shiar. While in Federation Space, the Romulans utilized the Itari System to conduct classified research and were discovered by the crew of the Starship Defiant while the vessel was undergoing its shakedown cruise. A Starfleet task group, led by the Enterprise-D, were able to liberate the Defiant and destroy the Romulan base. The system was later captured by the Cardassians, but was annexed to the Romulans by the Treaty of Bajor in 2375. During the Romulan Supernova Crisis Itari was selected by the Romulan Relocation Effort to serve as a colony world due to its history with the Romulans. |
Tevron Star System |
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Located close to the Vesuvi Star System at the edge of the Maelstrom Sector, the Tevron System of two planets is considered the gateway to Romulan territory within the Maelstrom. Initially in free space, the Tevron System was given to the Romulan Relocation Effort in 2383 to host a small Romulan settlement. |
United Federation of Planets Star Systems
Nepenthe Star System |
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The Nepenthe Star System is an inhabited star system comprised of three worlds located within the Maelstrom Sector. Like most worlds in the Maelstrom, the ambient radiation within the Nepenthe System is higher than that of neighboring space; however, the soil on Nepenthe possesses incredible regenerative properties, which promote plant growth and healing. These regenerative properties have made Nepenthe a natural target for many civilizations that would like to call the system home, including the Kzinti, who have launched several raids against the planet in recent years. Initially a Cardassian world, Nepenthe was annexed to the Federation following the Kessok Incident of 2378 and settled as reparations for the destruction of the Vesuvi System. This had led to a natural animosity between the citizens of Nepenthe and Vesuvi. |
New Holland Star System |
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Located on the edge of the Maelstrom and Vayt Sectors, the New Holland Star System (initially the Trimble System) consists of five planets orbiting a main sequence star. Home to Deep Space 12, New Holland was first colonized at the beginning of the 24th Century for its mineralogical reserves prior to technological advances allowing further exploration of the Maelstrom Sector. Due to the presence of Deep Space 12, the system has been a frequent target during major engagements including the Federation/Cardassian War, the Dominion War, and the Kessok Incident of 2378. |
Ona Star System |
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Located near Cardassian territory, the Maelstrom Sector's Ona Star System consisted of three worlds and was annexed by the Cardassian Union during the Kessok Incident of 2378. Following the conflict, the Cardassians withdrew back inside their borders and Ona returned to an independent posture. Soon after the crew of the Starship Geronimo observed a warp flight originating from the initially believed to be uninhabited, Ona I. Traveling to the system, the crew of the San Francisco made first contact with the Ontailians who quickly petitioned for Federation membership. |
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