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Culinary preference

Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2025 @ 11:51am by Lieutenant JG Maran & Crewman Patrick O'Malley

1,218 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Mess hall

Maran was a new arrival onboard the Saratoga. As usual he got the usual glancing looks. At first he thought it was due to being a Cardassian in Starfleet, yet he wasn't the only one, however he learnt that this was just normal practice. People looked at the newbie, who ever that may be.

After stowing his duffle bag in his newly assigned and much bigger quarters, he had at Daystrom Institute, he made his way to the ship's lounge. With orders to report for duty the following morning he decided to make the most of the time and visit the ship's lounge.

Upon entering the busy lounge, Maran felt the eyes of several people fall directly on him. He simply smiled and continued to bar where he perched on a stool.

A Cardassian couldn't help but not go unnoticed. Patrick spotted the man well before he found himself a seat at the bar. "You're new here," the Human chef observed with a smile, "I'm afraid I don't have any Cardassian dishes on my list but if you send me a few recipes I can cater to your desires." He held out his hand in greeting, after quickly wiping it on his apron. "Patrick O'Malley, captain's chef..."

Maran raised his hand to decline the Cardassian dishes invitation. "Thanks, but I'm not a big lover of Cardassian food." He replied. "Lieutenant Maran, I've just been assigned as the Saratoga's new pilot."

"But you're a..." Patrick looked confused. "How can you not like it? That'd be me as a Human not being a fan of Human food. So what would you prefer then?"

"It's a long story. Needless to say, I was brought up by a Human, who adopted me after the war ended." Maran explained.

"Ah... I'm sorry for assuming..." Smiling, Patrick tried to brush off his embarrassment over the assumption. "So what would be your favourite food then? Maybe I have something prepared." His smile widened. "I don't just feed the captain and his guests. I feed any that want fresh food."

"Its ok, I'm used to it by now." Maran replied with a smile of his own. "Fresh food? What types of fresh food do you prepare?"

"Anything that is available or requested," Patrick replied happily. "Right now I have a terran omelette on offer with toast and bacon if you're on breakfast time, and I have a Vulcan vegetarian stew if you're on lunch time. I have a meat version too as a variation if that has your preference."

"This is probably going to sound weird but I do like a hot curry. A nice Madras or Vindaloo. My people like warm climates but I find hot food just as forfulling." Maran replied.

"A good curry takes a while," Patrick mused, "but I can try for tonight's dinner? For how, how about an omelette with a few extra peppers to accommodate for the heat?"

Maran smiled and raised his hand. "Please, no special treatment. Whenever suits you and your menu is fine. An omelette sounds good."

"As you wish." Patrick set to work and within a few minutes a very fragrant dish was set in front of his guest "Bon appetite," he smiled. "Have you explored the ship yet? You probably should when you finish...."

"Thank you." The Lieutenant said as he picked up his knife and fork and spun the plate a few times to assess the best way to eat the omelette. "I haven't yet," he said as he started to slice into the omelette. "But I did memorise the schematics when I was traveling here. I quite excited to be piloting such a lovely ship."

"I haven't explored much myself," Patrick confessed. "I'm just a chef, all I need is a garden and a kitchen, and someone to help grow the food I use. I wouldn't know how to pilot. My..." He shook his head. "No, never mind. I can't keep dwelling in the past." Patrick smiled. "Perhaps we can explore together sometime?"

Maran noticed the pause and change of direction. Having lived with Humans most of his life, he still struggled with their emotions. Cardassians either said what they felt or didn't. He decided to air on caution and leave it alone. "Of course." He smiled. "Happy to take in the view with a fellow newbie. However, I'm surprised you haven't been assigned an emergency station yet. I thought it was protocol for everyone to know the ship and have emergency positions assigned." Maran said. "Forgive me, it's none of my business. Different ships do things differently. They make Starfleet regs more like guidelines sometimes." He said before scooping some omelette up and depositing it in his mouth to chew.

"Emergency station?" Surprise registered on the Humans face "What for? I'm a chef... I'm not even Starfleet. I have no knowledge on starship operations. My husband was fleet ..not me. I only know how to work a stove I'm not even qualified to use a phaser."

"Oh." Maran replied, his shock evident. "My apologies, I didn't mean to over step. Like i said, different ship, different rules. I wasnt aware there were civilians on board." He chuckled. "I simply fly the ship were I'm told."

"I doubt I'm the only one, aren't there families on board? I thought I saw children earlier.. a pair of Vulcans with little ones I think. I like being on a ship, and cooking gives me a sense of purpose. Without purpose, I'm lost. And I don't like the feeling of being lost. When Andy died, I lost all sense of purpose for a while, and it helped me to keep cooking. It's what makes me happy, to see others enjoy what I created."

"Its quite possible that there are families aboard. As I don't have one i just simply don't notice." Maran smiled briefly before changing his tone. "I'm sorry for your loss. May I ask when that happened?"

"He was killed in a bombing on the station he was assigned. It happened several years ago now, but I still feel it like that was yesterday. I've moved on, but I still miss him." Patrick shook his head, offering a sad smile. "It's not something I like to discuss, I prefer to focus on things that make me happy now."

"Of course, I'm sorry. Focusing on things that makes you happy is a positive outlook." Maran smiled before taking the last bite of his omelette. "That was delicious. Thank you, just what the CMO ordered."

"Happy to have complied with your doctor's orders," Patrick smiled. "So... Still on for that exploring later? I mean...duty probably calls?"

"Of course, I'm not needed until the morning as whenever you get off your shift here, I'm free." Maran smiled.

"After dinner? I'll be busy with preparation most of the afternoon, but I'll have time tonight. Will that work for you?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." Maran replied as he picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth. "What time shall I return?"

"After twenty-hundred? Service should be finished and I'll have cleaned up." Patrick smiled at him. "I'll be waiting here then."

"I shall go and freshen up and met you back here then." Maran smiled, before hopping down off the bar stood and making an exit.


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