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Posted on Sun Feb 12th, 2023 @ 2:37pm by Addison Talbert MD & Captain Iy'dan Brell & Ensign Lela Tanors & Fiona "Fee" Maccafferty PhD

1,460 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Begin Again


Notification had come through that the next transport to put in would be carrying one of the station's new senior staff and another one of the key personnel. He had time between his appointments so he had made his way to the docking facility in time to see the old Sydney Class transport sail in through the open space doors and gracefully swoop through the open expanse of the docking area until it had settled into its berth.

"Doctor" having spotted the station's
Chief Medical Officer as he approached debarkation. "What brings you here?"

Lela walked in, "I'm Ens Lela tanors, one of the security people here for my Starfleet check-up aboard the Maelstrom, Before I start, as you can see my spots I'm a Trill, but unjoined as I'm waiting for my chance to be joined... So here I am for my check-up."

"I am here to see the new arrivals that are coming to the station." Addison replied to Brell."And I am finding this all rather interesting." Glancing towards Lela,

Addison gave a nod directing her attention to Lela "When we get into medical we'll get that all sorted out." she was picking up the fact that this newly arrived crewman was seeming to be a bit nervous." I am Doctor Addison Talbert pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Commander Iy'dan Brell, and I am joined Ensign so if you need any advice or guidance in that regard please do seek me out!" He extended a hand to shake the arrivals. "I don't suppose you met or saw a Doctor Maccafferty on the transport?"

Lela had come off,with the others, she smiled at the people who were looking her direction, as she nodded to others,and she nodded to the Doctor as well, then turned her head to Commander Brell,"I'm un-Joined, I been on a waiting to be joined for some time now."
lela said with a grin. Lela looked around."Not yet Commander Brell." she also said to him.

The tiny redhead was behind the others, bringing up the rear. She was all of 4'10'' and 100 pounds-easily mistaken for someone's child, hence why no one might notice or equate her as the new Astrometrics specialist. She was used to it by now, and it had never bothered her. She heard her name, though, and look up from the PADD she held in her left hand. She spoke as loudly as she could, which a few octaves above a whisper, but did raise her hand to be seen behind the rest of the tall people.

"I'm Dr. Maccafferty." She moved closer to the man. Not *too* close, but close enough that he could see her, at least. "Commander?" She inquired.

Addison gave a nod in greeting towards the petite redhead. "Well looks like we are getting more staff, of which is great. I am Doctor Addison Talbert CMO. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Indeed. Welcome to Maelstrom Doctor Maccafferty. I'm Lieutenant Commander Iy'dan Brell, the station's first officer and this is Doctor Addison Talbert, head of our medical division!"
He shook the short-statured scientist's hand and sidestepped allowing Dr. Talbert the same moment.
"If you would care to follow me I can show you to your quarters and answer any question you may have about the station!"

Addison decided she would tag along just to get to know the new arrivals, after all, information was information and she liked it best to get to know someone away from the office. "I'll come along as well."

Fee fought the urge to pull her hand away. This man seemed nice enough, and his grip was friendly, not too strong. She nodded, weakly. "OK." She wished she could just stand as far against the wall as possible, like the wallflower she was.

Lela was with the others waiting to be seen looking around and having a nice chat with one of the other officers also waiting to be seen, just to keep from not falling asleep. The Conversation was nice, as she waited for her turn, she looked back at the Doctor. So she kept on the conversation throughout her wait.

Addison looked around for Lela, spotting her, they hadn't gotten to Medical as of yet. "Ensign Tanor's have you been able to find your quarters yet? Why don't you come with us to get your quarters then I'll give you the cursory medical exam once we reach Medical."

Fee followed along, in the rear. She wasn't keen on having the spotlight, ever. She preferred to just spend time in her lab, doing her job, and then go to her quarters and have quiet time. The Vissians weren't Federation members and sometimes, she felt like an outsider. "I'll pop by for mine later in the day, if that's alright; probably also will need to see the counselor." Fee didn't hide the fact that she saw the Counseling department regularly. She had trauma, and it helped it to keep her head on right.

"Doctor Maccafferty, what is your specialty in your field of work?" Addison was curious as to what the petite woman had studied.

Fee looked up at the woman. "Astrometrics and chemistry, but I prefer the former. Back on Vissia, I was the lead Astrometrics specialist for our main NGO (non-governmental organization). I worked with our military and government." Hopefully no one would ask any more questions about her work. She hated to sound like she was bragging. She wasn't, she just over-explained. A LOT.

"I will be sure to forward all of the current regional data to you Doctor" Iy'dan had been silently keeping step, making mental notes about the others as they started to make their way through the station. He was silently directing them through the myriad or corridors until they passed through some immense double doors and into a park with simulated blue sky and sunlight, towards a building nestled in some tree's and a pond with a small waterfall. It was picturesque and made him almost jealous. It looked as if the civilian staff had the pick of the luxury apartments. The Starfleet crew seemed to have expansive views of the docking facility from their own quarters.
"This building is your new home Doctor Maccafferty. I believe Doctor Talbert has residence here as well!"

"Yes I do, its almost twice as big as the house I used to live in and definitely much larger than the quarters on the ship I was on. What can I do with that space?" Addison's eyes just a bit wide as she thought over her reaction to that lovely home.

Fee was getting her own luxury suite? NIIICCEEE. It was, by far, the best accommodations she's had and was a HUGE step up from her barracks back at the old Space station she came from. "Thank you, Commander. I will be ready to receive that information." She went on. "Thank you, do I have a specific apartment assignment?" Sometimes, they were pre-assigned, but usually, as a civilian, she was allowed to choose. It was overwhelming, actually. "Well, we'll be hall mates, then, Doctor."

Addison nodded, "Yup we sure will be hallmates. I'll see you later as I've got some talking to do with Commander Brell"

Giving a wave towards both Lela and Fee

Lela then headed towards her quarters to drop off her bag of her things in it, after being done with the doctor and as she looked at her quarters,
she was getting Ideas on how to decorate it right...

Iy'dan watched as Fee and Lela went of in their own directions, both he and Doctor Addison left at the threshold of the apartment block.
"Well, it looks like we have a real pair of characters in those two!"

Addison gave a bit of a nod. "Well takes the most interesting sorts of characters to survive out here. And I can speak from experience as I am a bit of an oddball." giving a bit of a wink to Brell and a laugh "However you can count on me being there in the thick of things when you need me."

The Trill smiled at the medical Doctor, appreciating that she did seem more grounded than most of the others around here. He genuinely didn't feel that civilians should be in positions of authority within Starfleet installations but that being said, it would certainly lead to more interesting times.
"I will leave you to your day Doctor!"

Addison gave a nod. "Most definitely and I'll see you around!" giving a wave and another smile. As she watched Brell head out towards his next destination, Addison determined in her mind, she was looking forward to getting to know the XO a bit more.



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