
Murder on the orient express - part 1

Posted on Mon Sep 23rd, 2024 @ 5:08am by Lieutenant Zhi'rev & Lieutenant Commander Melanie D'BrooNi- Haistro

2,100 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Short Treks
Location: Holodec 1
Timeline: TBD


Mel fidgeted with the fur coat. It was bulky. As was the jewellery the computer had suggested. And her hair all curled up in a human style from the 20's.

"I'm not sure this thing was needed," she said.

"Mum it will be cold until you get on the train and its part of your character," Charlie said amused.

"Why are you coming again?" Mel asked her daughter who was also attired in historical gear. Just less ornate and bulky it seemed.

"A Russian princess requires a lady maid and ... oh come on mum the chance to see the science chief who is a Vulcan with a mustacho," she grinned. "That cannot be passed up. How many Vulcans have you ever seen with one?"

Mel had to admit she hadn't but Lieutenant Zhi'rev was not your typical Vulcan. They rounded the corridor to the holodeck ready to meet him and his party - in truth she had no idea if anyone else was joining them.

Zhi, for now, was alone as Sethan has passed on joining him. He was dressed smartly in a 1920s style suit which he found utterly restricting and uncomfortable. His left hand rested on the knob of a stylish walking stick which men of the time often seemed to use, though it's function somewhat eluded him. For the occasion, he had produced a moustache which was styled after the one his character sported in the files he had found. It itched, and somehow, he felt ridiculous.

He approached the two women and gave them a curious once-over. "Surely, those dresses can't be either comfortable or practical?" He queried, a hint of concern in his voice. "They look... constricting."

"That would be the corset," Mel said. "And yes not the most comfortable."

"Took an age to get mum in it,"

"Charlie ...." Mel said mortified.

"Well its true. This era in human history clearly was torture," the teen stated pulling at her own.

"I feel like if I wear this at length it will break a rib," Mel commented. "Anyway shall we?"

"Then why wear it and put yourself through the torture?" Zhi asked in genuine confusion, "surely no one is going to comment if you don't? This is a program, holograms aren't sentient."

"We wanted to be authentic but yes you are quite right. I intend to remove it as soon as I can," Mel said.

"Muuuum," Charlie looked at her.

"What? Once we get our cabin on the train,"

"But Lieutenant Zhi'rev ..... you will be underwearless ....." the brunette teen looked on horrified.

"Lieutenant Zhi'rev has a husband and thereby no interest in my chest. Plus it will be covered up again minus this torture device," Mel said simply. "And better to be underwearless than ribless wouldn't you agree Lieutenant?"

"I'm off duty doctor, I think it's alright if you use my name," the Vulcan smiled before turning towards the younger woman. "Your mother is correct," he continued diplomatically, "I have no romantic interest in the female spectrum of any species but that doesn't mean I won't respect a lady's privacy. And yes, I would agree with that sentiment even though I have nothing to.hade such a statement on. It's beyond me why a female would willingly wear such a contraption."

"We won't speak of high heels then," Mel said with a smile.

"So I can call you Zhi?" Charlie asked as her mother found and ordered the programme.

"No." The answer was short but not without explanation. "That is reserved for those close to me, and you are a minor so no, I would prefer you did not. I don't know you... yet. Perhaps, in time, but for now, my full name is preferred." He gave her a gentle smile. "It's nothing against you, it's my choice."

Charlie gave him a teenage look of annoyance. Apparently emotional Vulcans were no cooler than non emotional ones. "Well then I hope you are hungry," she shot at him walking in the opening door. Mel caught his eyes and shrugged not following her daughters logic.

The scene around them seemed to change to a hotel room. Outside was bright and sunny and hazy as if very hot. Mel immediately pulled off the fur coat . Around them two people ran in carrying boiled eggs. "Mr Poirot, Mr Poirot," the smaller of the two said excitably. "Here, here ... two perfect boiled eggs."

He held the plate out towards the Vulcan a look of pure happiness in his face.

Zhi accepted the plate. "thank you," said graciously while arching a confused eyebrow at the two women. What was he to do with these eggs? The very idea of eating them made his stomach turn as the texture of a boiled egg wasn't something he appreciated. "I'm certain they'll be perfect," he told the boys, "now if you'll excuse us?"

As the two left, Zhi handed the eggs to Charlie. "I hope you enjoy these?"

"Actually only Poirot gets the eggs. Hes obsessed with them. At this point mum and I are only observers. Our characters don't come in until boarding the train," she informed him.

The adult hotel worker took the eggs, the child looking disappointed. "Sir there is uproar in the square. You must come. You will know who stole it. Innocent men are being accused."

Zhi cast the two women a curious look before following the hotel worker. "What are they being accused of, and how do you know for sure they are innocent?"

It was clear to Charlie that Zhi'rev was not in any way acquainted with the story.

"Sir the theft from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre," the hotel worker said. "You left last night to search the Police chiefs office."

Charlie leaned in, "The Police chief did it. You need to call him out publicly or we can fast forward to getting on the train."

The Vulcan nodded slowly. "That may be a good idea so you two can get involved as well. I don't recall searching an office so I feel very confused." He cast the young woman a small smile. "Perhaps you are better suited for this role than I."

"Oh no. You have the mustacho and everything. You have got this," Charlie smiled at him. "Computer forward scene to getting on the Orient express."

Around them the holodec changed to a old timey train station, called Kings cross going by the sign.

"Its quite beautiful," Mel commented looking at the train in front of them. "Your father would have liked this Charlie."

A dog barked and the teen looked down to see two small lap dogs on a leech she was now holding. "Guess our Russian Princess likes dogs," she grinned at her mum.

A man stepped out of the crowd and headed towards them. "Ah Poirot. Thank you thank you for coming. Oh and Princess Dragomiroff. Your highness. Welcome welcome," the man bowed in Mels direction. "Come come. Let us get you settled in your cabins. The adventure is just beginning."

Zhi froze visibly at the sight of the dog, they weren't creatures he was very familiar with and the few encounters so far had been very... hostile on the dog's part. "Yes if course," he answered the male, "please, lead the way." He glanced at the two women before hurrying after the man. Any other circumstance he would've been courteous and offered them his arm but somehow, he had the feeling this character he represented wasn't all that courteous.

"Not a dog person then," Charlie muttered as she and Mel walked after them. Inside the cabin they joined the train at another man was informing the one who had led Zhi'rev off that they didn't have a first class cabin for him. He would have to sleep with another traveller. And a rather pretty older female dressed rather seductively smiled, "He can bunk in with me," she informed them.

"Mrs Hubbard I'm sure that will not be necessary,"

"Shame," she laughed passing them. "I really am a lot of fun you know."

"Come come, let us get you all some refreshment. We will be setting off soon," the other man said in a bid to get away again before he was yelled at that the legendary Poirot did not have his own first class cabin.

"Ahhh the bar and restaurant car," Charlie said. "This is where you get to eat cake. Your character likes to eat," she nodded at him as she and Mel walked in to take a table. "Hes no idea what to do has he?" she whispered to her mother.

Mel shook her head. "We will have to push him in Rachets direction. Zhi'Rev," she pointed at a lone man sat at another table.

Now, Zhi seemed to actually smile at her. "I like to eat too," he informed the young woman, "just not egg. But cake...I can eat quite enough of." He followed Mel's gaze towards a male sat alone. "I suppose, I shall join him," he added as he moved off towards the solitary male. "Are you expecting anyone?" he asked, before pointedly sitting down across from him without an invitation to do so.

The middle aged man looked up. "Oh just the person. I have a business proposition for you Monsieur Poirot. But first perhaps you would like to share this delectable cake?" he nudged a plate with a piece of patisserie towards the middle of the table.

Charlie looked on in interest and held her hand up for a waiter. The Vulcan shouldn't be the only one to enjoy cake she decided.

Delighted, Zhi reached for the offered sweetness, delicately picking up a sizeable slice. "What kind of proposition?" He queried, not even having to feign being intrigued.

"I would like to hire you as a body guard for the entirety of this trip," the dark haired man said seriously. "I have been receiving anonymous threatening letters against my business."

Zhi nearly couldn't hide the excitement of being a bodyguard even though he guessed that the male he portrayed was hardly suitable for it. "Tell me about the threats you received," he asked instead, "show me the letters, perhaps we can determine who sent them or from where they are sent "

The man pulled out a few papers from his back pocket looking surprised that the famous detective had agreed to hear him out. "They are anonymous. Adhering to something I did in the past. I have no idea what. Or why I am getting these. They make threats to my life," he informed him. "I can pay you $20000 dollars if you keep me safe. You see I have had one on the train too."

"You say you have no idea but I need you to think anyway. Has something out of the ordinary happened? We're you involved in an accident of some sort? We're you witness to something you weren't meant to see?"

"No," the darkhaired man stated categorically. "All I know is someone has it out for me and they are on this train." He was the famous detective was he not?

Charlie sank her dessert fork into the cake the waiter had just served them and whispered to her mother, "Do you think Lieutenant Zhi knows he not supposed to help Rachet? What would the programme do if he agrees?"

"I have no idea. Most likely jump us to the avalanche," she mused also sinking a fork in to the delight they had been brought.

Zhi took a moment to consider the story. "I need more than just a 'has it out for me', for all I know you're just wasting my time." He handed the stack of papers back. "You must have some idea, and I don't like being lied to." It was a shame his telepathic senses didn't work on holograms, as they had no active thought patterns. Or an active brain, for that matter. All they were, was an optical illusion.

"And I don't like being accused of lying," the man said clipped. He rose. "Good day Mr Detective."

Rachet almost collided with the man from earlier had greeted them boarding the train. He managed to side step at the last minute. "Monsieur Poirot. Your cabin is ready for you now."

"Right..." Zhi stood. "Well, show me the way then please. I require some rest and..." What did he want? The Vulcan couldn't remember feeling ever more at a loss. "And some time to think," he added slowly.


Dr Mel D'BrooNi- Haistro
CMO, USS Maelstrom

Charlie Brooks

Lieutenant Zhi'rev
Chief Science Officer



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