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A Moments Peace

Posted on Sat Jun 15th, 2024 @ 5:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Sotra & Lieutenant Jorik & Senior Chief Petty Officer Sethan MD & Mo'Teck

1,321 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Dream


"Green leaf tea" Sotra asked of the replicator in the main lounge having decided to finish her reports there rather than take them home to be with her husband to be but not actually be with him until she had finished her work.

Obediently the replicator materialised in the silver shimmer a glass tea cup with the steaming tea contained within. She took the briefest of moments to savour the fresh and uplifting with it's earthy, woody tones before turning to find a place to sit away from the main crowd. She nodded at a few of the senior officers she spotted peppered throughout the crowd until her eyes found her target, a small table tucked away in the very corner hidden almost from view behind a large plant of some description. Her course was set with her PADD in hand.

She had made it almost out of sight and down into the comfortable chair when a voice caught her her attention from behind her.

"Commander Sotra?" Jorik said, not suite sure if he remembered the picture he'd seen of the XO correctly. He was glad to have caught her here, and not one of the other Vulcans on the senior staff. Zhi'rev was going to make him shun the ways of Surak if they had to work closely too much more at this point.

From his reading of her personnel file, Sotra was much like himself: not quite through Kohlinahr but still embracing logic.

She turned to regard the speaker, not recognising the voice initially until she was able to place a face to the voice.
"Lieutenant Jorik" her memory instantly placing the name to the face and memorising the voice. "May I help?"

A moment alone, Sethan too had made his way to the lounge. He was fully intending to spend it alone, until he spotted the two Vulcans in a far corner. Delighted, he beelined straight for them, not having had a chance to meet either of them until now. Not a bridge officer like his mate, he didn't get to engage anyone until he was either off duty, on a break, or in sickbay. "Hello," he greeted them cheerfully.

"Another one." Jorik said, not taking his attention off of Sotra but directing the comment to Sethan. "I have not had a chance to formally introduce myself, Commander. I am pleased to see there's another such as myself who embraces the way of logic."

Again the jabbing comment was directed towards Sethan, though he spoke it normally and his attention never wavered from Sotra.

"Sir?" Sethan arched a single eyebrow at the man in visible confusion. "Another one what Sir?" He turned to the female Vulcan. "I'm Sethan, I believe you met Zhi earlier?"

"Indeed. Bond mate of Lieutenant Zhi'rev if I am not mistaken?"

Sotra said to Sethan as she nodded once in his direction. "It is agreeable that there are other Vulcans present on board" her wording deliberate and carful so as not to offend either one. Sethan was obviously one of the V'tosh ka'tur while Jorik was a follower of Suraks teachings, if in her own opinion he was not quite as adept at containing his emotions as she.

"May I assist either of you with something?" she asked again but encompassing both with the question. She scent of her tea already fading as it started to cool.

Mo'Teck walked in having been befriended by someone who had travelled on the same transport. "Oh my friend is over there. Perhaps you would join us?"

"Another time," he said politely spotting Sotra. "My bond mate is over there," he explained.

As he walked in Sotra's direction, the female looked in amazement at who he had indicated and mouthed the XO to her friend. Mo'Teck could see two more Vulcans.

"Sotra. Its is agreeable to see you," he said approaching. To the other two Vulcan strangers he raised his hand in the tradition salute stating "Peace and long life."

Jorik returned the greeting "Live long and prosper." Before returning his attention to Sotra, he shot a look at Sethan, quickly bringing his emotions back in control before speaking. "I have yet to formally introduce myself, Commander. I see, however, that I may be interrupting something. If you are busy, I can come back later."

"She didn't really look busy," Sethan smiled, taking in the new arrival before returning his attention to Sotra. "Yes ma'am my mate is Lieutenant Zhi'rev." He smiled brightly at the others. "Hello," he said to the new arrival. "I'm Sethan, one of this ship's medical staff."

"Indeed I was not busy, simply taking advantage of a moment devoid of distractions to acquaint myself with the recent ship board reports" Sotra shot to Jorik before then announcing to the small gathering of Vulcanoids as she raised her hand in a similar fashion to her bond mate, touching finger tips in the customary greeting. "This is Mo'Teck, my betrothed".

"Ohh," Sethan beamed, "another couple." Smiling brightly and visibily excited, the younger Vulcan turned to Jorik. "Surely, you have a mate with you too? We should have a family meal sometime."

"No we will not. For one, I do not have a mate. I was not raised on Vulcan and this gathering is among the largest number of Vulcans I have been in close proximity to." Jorik said to Sethan. "If you must know, I was raised on Earth. My parents died when i was an infant. Their colleagues adopted me. I was never shunned from Vulcan culture, but I was also not deeply immersed in it, so they did not arrange a mate for me."

"My mate wasn't either, but I was," Sethan answered quietly, a sense of sadness emanating from him. "I had the fortune of being adopted when I was very small, a Vulcan couple who had lost their child. Zhi didn't have that, he doesn't know what it's like to have caring parents. He grew up on Vulcan in an orphanage. My parents did bond me, and I'm still friends with the woman who was to be my wife, but I knew before we were to be wed that I would never be able to afford her the affection she deserved so we mutually decided not to go through with it. She has since found a worthy mate "

Sotra's right eyebrow shot upwards. It was rare to find an arranged bonding being dissolved with the acceptance of both families on Vulcan culture. Hers and Mo'Teck had been betrothed since their formative years. If she and Mo'Teck had voiced their desire not to wed it would have caused much unrest between both families. As it had transpired she did and does have great affection for her mate, as much as she was unable to voice that to the group. Instead she saw her moment to finally take a seat while the others were conversing.

Mo'Teck kept his mouth shut yet locked eyes with Sotra for a moment. The other Vulcan looked about 30 so would logically have at least 2 pon farrs behind him. How had he survived it with no mate? It would not be polite to ask, so he did not push the subject.

Sethan continued to smile at the others, his smile brightening when his husband walked in. Zhi smiled back, briefly touched his hand when he was close enough in public sign of affection, then turned to Sotra. "I apologize for intruding on your private time ma'am," he spoke formally, "but there is something urgent that I need to show you."

"I will leave you all to things," Mo'Teck said. Sotra was on duty and duty came first. He would see her later. He would go find something to eat.

"Very well" Sotra looked at her mate before turning her attention back to Zhi. "Of course Lieutenant. Please let us move to a location more suitable to duty matters".



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